We at Hivessence have so much to be thankful for this year and most all of that is because of YOU! When we launched in May of this year, we had no idea we would grow so fast and have so many delighted customers, or as we like to say, "hive members"!

Wherever you are this week and whomever you're spending your week with, have a safe, grateful, and happy time creating new moments and making cheerful memories.
As an extra thanks, Hivessence is launching our Black Friday early with an across-the-board savings of 25% off all our skincare, soaps, and supplements! You can also take more time to pay with zero interest when you choose Klarna! So, skip the stores, brew up something warm to drink, chill with your own hive, and come shop online with us! Hivessence.com
Forever Grateful, - Your Hivessence Hive :-D